Tag: Laundry Hacks

Join the #NationalLaundryDay Twitter Party With GE Appliances Canada

Twitter Party

Join the #NationalLaundryDay Twitter Party With GE Appliances Canada

GE Appliances LOVES laundry and April 15th is their favourite day of the year – National Laundry Day! You read that right, National Laundry Day. To celebrate, the laundry experts at GE have some great tips to help you battle the war against laundry!

  • Ink and oil, begone: To remove even the most stubborn ink stains, apply hairspray or hand sanitizer and pat dry. For oil stains, apply baby powder and let it stand overnight. And remember, don’t use force when trying to rub out stains, always blot.
  • Pit stains, no more: To remove sweat stains, spray the affected clothing with pure lemon juice before tossing in the washer.
  • Adopt a basket system: Hate sorting laundry? Adopt a basket system for your darks, lights and whites to sort clothes as you go so it’s less of a chore come laundry day.
  • Think inside out: Faded clothing is the worst. To keep your darks the darkest they can be, simply wash your clothes inside out.
  • On a tight schedule: If your wet clothes are taking forever to dry, speed things up by simply adding a dry towel to the load.
  • Never lose a sock again: Don’t you hate it when your sock disappears into the laundry vortex and you’re left with mix-matched pairs? Avoid the frustration by using safety pins to keep socks tied together as they wash or put them all in a mesh bag.
  • Shrinking woes: Ready to ditch that shrunken sweater? Before you do, soak it in tepid water with a bit of hair conditioner and mold it back to shape. When drying, just be sure to lay it flat.
  • To dry or not to dry: It’s easy to forget which clothes should go in the dryer. Just write on your washing machine using a dry erase marker to remind yourself which clothes can’t go in the dryer.

How would you like to WIN a GE Designer Line laundry pair on #NationalLaundryDay


  • Sleek and modern design: Featuring a central control knob with metallic accents, the GE Designer Line laundry pair features glass doors, curved shapes, LED lights and controls, plus an advanced display layout.
  • A more powerful clean: Without a central agitator, the Designer Line laundry pair’s exclusive CircuClean ™ technology, offers 100% water recirculation to soak clothes more thoroughly. And the Stain Removal guide helps remove tough stains with pre-programmed settings based on the five most common stains: Tomato, wine, blood, grass, dirt.
  • Flexibility: The GE Designer Line laundry pair meets the needs of today’s families with up to 17% more room for clothes versus previous models, making it up to 22% larger than competitive models. But with an auto load sensing option, you’ll only get as much water as is needed for even the smallest load. In the case of heavier soiled loads, the Deep Fill option will provide a full tub.
  • High Efficiency: Energy Star rated to save you money in electricity and water consumption, the GE Designer Line laundry pair meets or exceeds guidelines for energy efficiency for year-round energy and money savings.

To learn more please visit the GE Appliances website!

#NationalLaundryDay Twitter Party

GE Appliances Canadablue

In celebration of National Laundry Day, GE Appliances is throwing a Twitter party and YOU could win! See below for details!

What: #NationalLaundryDay Twitter Party

When: April 15th, 1:00pm-2:00pm EST

Hosts: @GEappliancesCA and @ShesConnected

Prize: GE Designer Line laundry pair

RSVP please (below)

Anyone can participate however only Canadians 18+ (excluding Quebec) can win prizes! See you at the party!

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